As already touched upon, this season has seen a large and varied group of visitors to Rothera, many VIP types including Royalty, MP’s, media folk, Lords… and tonight we had a current government minister. This in itself is quite interesting; he as an individual, and how the base meets and greets such personalities, but it’s the accompanying entourage that always provides the most fascinating conversations. One lesser-known story of MP’s visiting Rothera was regurgitated and has become, in my mind, a classic.

In 1995 a MP visited the then current BAS base of Faraday. The unnamed MP arrived on a tourist cruise ship – and was therefore on unofficial duty – holiday we generally call it. He then proceeds to tour the base and, of course, later that evening enjoys the prerequisite beer in the bar. Conversation flows, beer sunk and the question asked to the winterers “What do you miss most about home?” A common question to anyone away from home for prolonged periods of time. The answer at that particular moment by the base FIDS was “Heinz baked beans”.
Point of Information: Baked beans, and uniquely Heinz baked beans, are instilled in the Limey blood as essential to life from within the womb, an American equivalent is maybe, say… peanut butter. Anyway, the food order had been filled, but when it came to the unloading, unpacking and storing the food, alas the baked beans were nowhere to be found.
That was it, a harmless passing comment over a beer in the base bar… to a Politian!
A while later, in the heart of London, during Prime Ministers ‘Question Time’ in the House of Commons. Said MP stands up and (in politician tones) states: “I ask the honorable gentleman, why... yes why are our hard working scientists down at the south pole are not only sent to endure the hardships of being away from home in the planets toughest environment, but have to do so without the provision of any Heinz Baked Beans anywhere on their base. I ask the honorable member of Parliament to answer to this travesty”
Now, not been a politician myself I cannot answer this with any personal experience. BUT, one thing I do know is that any good Prime Minister does in fact have an answer to any potential question that can be thrown at him during Prime Ministers Question Time held within his large folder, as he stands up to the plinth.
Can you imagine the surprised and the clandestine quick glance back at his aides when asked to answer the mighty “Baked Bean v BAS Government Let Down Scandal” had occurred and thrown in his face, while he knew nothing about it.
This, of course, caused great glee for many. The media got hold of it, BAS Cambridge got hold of it, and naturally Heinz got hold of it, and milked it! In a big public show, crates of beans were dispatched to BAS Cambridge, with instructions to send south to all the bases. Due to further shipping ‘issues’ the beans still did not arrive in time for Faraday, which was at that time about to be closed. But with BAS back filling the horrific negative baked bean order, along with the Heinz supplying a mountain on top of the BAS order… it all came to Rothera. I swear we are still eating that same batch of baked bean from that era. Still, I’d take ten-year-old Heinz Baked Beans over none any day of the week!
"Hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!"

In 1995 a MP visited the then current BAS base of Faraday. The unnamed MP arrived on a tourist cruise ship – and was therefore on unofficial duty – holiday we generally call it. He then proceeds to tour the base and, of course, later that evening enjoys the prerequisite beer in the bar. Conversation flows, beer sunk and the question asked to the winterers “What do you miss most about home?” A common question to anyone away from home for prolonged periods of time. The answer at that particular moment by the base FIDS was “Heinz baked beans”.
Point of Information: Baked beans, and uniquely Heinz baked beans, are instilled in the Limey blood as essential to life from within the womb, an American equivalent is maybe, say… peanut butter. Anyway, the food order had been filled, but when it came to the unloading, unpacking and storing the food, alas the baked beans were nowhere to be found.
That was it, a harmless passing comment over a beer in the base bar… to a Politian!
A while later, in the heart of London, during Prime Ministers ‘Question Time’ in the House of Commons. Said MP stands up and (in politician tones) states: “I ask the honorable gentleman, why... yes why are our hard working scientists down at the south pole are not only sent to endure the hardships of being away from home in the planets toughest environment, but have to do so without the provision of any Heinz Baked Beans anywhere on their base. I ask the honorable member of Parliament to answer to this travesty”
Now, not been a politician myself I cannot answer this with any personal experience. BUT, one thing I do know is that any good Prime Minister does in fact have an answer to any potential question that can be thrown at him during Prime Ministers Question Time held within his large folder, as he stands up to the plinth.
Can you imagine the surprised and the clandestine quick glance back at his aides when asked to answer the mighty “Baked Bean v BAS Government Let Down Scandal” had occurred and thrown in his face, while he knew nothing about it.
This, of course, caused great glee for many. The media got hold of it, BAS Cambridge got hold of it, and naturally Heinz got hold of it, and milked it! In a big public show, crates of beans were dispatched to BAS Cambridge, with instructions to send south to all the bases. Due to further shipping ‘issues’ the beans still did not arrive in time for Faraday, which was at that time about to be closed. But with BAS back filling the horrific negative baked bean order, along with the Heinz supplying a mountain on top of the BAS order… it all came to Rothera. I swear we are still eating that same batch of baked bean from that era. Still, I’d take ten-year-old Heinz Baked Beans over none any day of the week!
"Hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!"
Cut it out, I think we can smell your "bean stench" all the way in NYC! Oh wait, that was me. Pardon.
Where can I get these beans in tomato sauce? I am really intrigued to try them.
Ha-ha! So that's why Joe was asking about the Heinz baked beans!
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