One of the lesser-known facts regarding the Antarctic is that it is actually a desert. The Oxford English Dictionary definition of desert states: “adj: Arid, dry, parched, scorched, torrid”. Not your typical words used to describe this land. As a continent though it has very little precipitation, making it in fact the planets largest desert! Living here on the Antarctic Peninsula however things are a little different, with a healthy yearly accumulation of snow, and in mid summer even a little rain. It rained this afternoon.

Dark menacing storm clouds approaching give the land a very dreamlike ambiance. The majority of colour in this environment does actually derive from the sky, the deep azure blue and fiery red sunsets give the landscape their incredible looks, but with a gray and full cloud covered sky, the entire landscape takes on a monochromatic look. The snow and icebergs somehow maintain their brilliance, while the exposed rock and ocean dim to a dark gray, verging on black.

It is a very surreal feel, like you are moving, living and breathing within a black and white movie.
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