Wednesday, 14 March 2007

The Mars Bar Liberation Front

Every now and then something on base can occur, or is seen, that makes me smile. Maybe it’s the lack of new stimuli to kindle the mind; therefore the brain grasps onto everyday occurrences that really aren’t very funny, and twists it around in your psyche and suddenly it’s funny. Like a natural self-preservation mechanism to stop you going insane in an isolated environment.

There are only two things that are kept under lock and key on base. One is alcohol – fair enough, a sensible precaution. The other is chocolate. BAS employs some of the greatest minds on the planet, the very best in their field, and yet with all this natural high IQ swirling around the base, as mature adults we are still not trusted not to eat an entire seasons supply of chocolate in one session.

BAS has a lot of experience in managing bases in Antarctica, they’ve been doing it for over 60 years, and apparently it is a mathematical certainty that should this chocolate be left unguarded then we would suddenly and without any warning, revert into a child like state of chocolate fiends, with the strongest and fittest returning from the food bays with faces covered in melted Mars bar, dribbling, leaving in their wake a trail of smaller and weaker colleagues fighting for survival. Darwin would have been proud.

1 comment:

Nik said...

Oh man. I could do some damage in there. Any Kit Kats in there? Dude, you do realize that you're Hurley don't you? Same hair, a bit skinnier.